Friday, October 30, 2009

Daddy Bloggers

There are two things in common between me and my two officemates, Resty and Ren. First, we are all daddies. Second, we are all bloggers. In short, we are all daddy bloggers. However, our topics of interest vary. I write mostly about relationship - family and friends - and some of my hobbies. Resty blogs mainly about chess, one of his favorite sports. Ren, on the other hand, writes about moving on, literally and figuratively.

Among the three of us, Resty is the most senior in terms of blogging since he has been doing it for over a year now. Ren and I have just started this month. Actually, I have created my account at last June, but for some reason, I was not able to write my first entry then until I forgot everything about it. Then on the first day of this month, again for no apparent reason, I found myself writing my very first entry on the new blogsite I created:

I was hesitant to use that as my uniform resource locator (URL) or web address because I find it somewhat hard to remember. But that was what the system suggested since my preferred URL was rejected because this was already taken. Only then did I remember that I had  created that account and it did not occur to me at first that I could still use it until I had written my first three entries. What I did, I transferred my entries to my original URL and deleted my vic-daddyblogger account.

With this newfound interest in blogging, I have somehow forgotten harvesting my crops at FarmVille, racing at Street Racing, launching wars at Mafia Wars, and serving my clients at Restaurant City. No regrets though because I can always go back to them whenever time permits. Besides, I find blogging as an extension of my literary self, distinct from my corporate task of writing and editing others' works, mostly  trade, industry, and investment straight news.

Aside from being able to express my thoughts on topics of my interest, blogging also enables me to use descriptive words which I don't normally employ in my corporate articles. Also, with blogging, I am able to brush up on my writing style. And it heartens me to know that my readers appreciate and like my entries through their comments here or in my Facebook account.

I hope that my other friends and acquaintances who are also daddies may find time to blog to break the monotony of doing the same things everyday.  Start blogging now!

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