Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm Ready to be Rich

I never wanted to be rich! Never! You can ask my wife about it and she'd surely validate my claim.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Double Your Money

I'm not offering the public any business or investment scheme that doubles their money after a certain period. This one is purely familial in nature.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Our Beloved Camille's Birthday Celebration

Everybody in our family woke up early last Saturday, June 5, because it was a special day. It was Camille's 11th birthday and she was excited about it. Weeks before that, she kept reminding her mom about her request  to cook carbonara for her on her natal day. Well, she also requested me to cook biko for her but she  'pestered' her mother more than she 'pestered' me.

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