Friday, October 2, 2009

Daddy's Girl(s)

Every time I come home from work, my youngest child, Charm, would always be the first one to welcome me eagerly at the main door and ask if I have "something" for her. It has been my habit to bring home anything for her as my pasalubong, which she readily appreciates with her "Thank you, Papa!" words coupled with a kiss on my cheek. Even now, when I come home early, I see to it that when I bring home something for Charm, the other two also have something for them. But since it's only Charm who is still awake when I come home late, I don't bother to buy pasalubong for her siblings since I know they would already have fallen asleep when I arrive.

Another thing that makes me happy, aside from her being appreciative, is her not being choosy. Whatever that something is - a candy, a chocolate, a donut, a book, a cd - she will always accept it with thanksgiving.

Although my eldest kid insists that Charm is my favorite among the three of them, my children, I always assure her that I don't play any favorites. Whatever it is that I am lavishing on my youngest child I had also lavished on my other two daughters when they were Charm's age.

Charm's antics are also a reason that makes me fond of her. Out of the blue she would utter things that are outrageously funny, if not totally amusing. You do not often hear a three-year-old kid say that her crush on someone (imagine, she already knows the concept of the word 'crush') has already vanished because that someone has broken her heart. Tell me, have you heard a child her age say "It's okay" when you have done something wrong expressed it verbally.

I know Clare is always consoled whenever I would tell her that she was as precocious as Charm when she was also her age. I know, her jealousy over her little sister is outweighed by her love for Charm. After all, Charm looks like her when Clare was still young. And it looks like that just like her Ate Clare, Charm is also as intelligent. Or even more? That remains to be seen. And if she proves to be one, I know her Ate will be proud of her sibling as we are proud of our eldest daughter.

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