Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Best Cook

I've always wanted to marry someone who knew how to cook and I must be among God's favorites because He answered my prayer. My wife knows how to cook. Let me qualify that: My wife knows how to cook very well. Her kaldereta is superb; her menudo is great; her kare-kare, mouth-watering; and her chopsuey, delectable. From a scale of 1 to 100, I would give my wife 99 for her cooking expertise. Well, the 1-point margin of error is for the very rare instances that her cooking is below her and our own standard.

I should congratulate my mother-in-law (may her soul rest in peace) for teaching my wife how to cook. It did not surprise me that my father-in-law remained faithful to my mother-in-law until her death because she surely knew the way to a man's heart. If she had one great inheritance to my wife, it must be the secret recipe to keeping a man.

Save for the days that I come home late from my part-time job, we all eat together at dinnertime to savor my wife's cooking. During weekends, when everybody is at home, we always have a “famealy” day together from breakfast to supper. What better way to share each other's stories about friends, classmates, officemates, relatives, or ourselves than to do it over a sumptuous meal.

If only I were not diabetic I would have forgotten my required food intake because of the temptation that is served before us. Sometimes, though, I give in to temptation. It's good that I, Clare, and Charm have fast metabolism that we do not get overweight despite our penchant for good food unlike Camille who at one time became horizontally challenged due to her overeating. If Camille did not heed our advice to cut on her binge eating, she would be obese by now.

Like all other couples, I and my wife also have some shares of misunderstandings. However, I'm glad that her cooking is never and will never be an issue. If only for her cooking, I would not think twice to marry my wife all over again. But, of course, her cooking prowess is not the only reason I married her and have stayed married with for the last 14 years. She has other endearing traits which I shall blog about in the coming days.


  1. Thank you for appreciating my cooking ability. I will always cook sumptuous meals for you and the three kids.

    Love you!


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