Sunday, November 1, 2009

All Women Are Grouchy

Wait a second...don't react too fast, my women readers. The above idea did not come from me but from one of my former students, Abby Alerta, who has just read my post entitled "Oh, Women!" (As of this writing, she was also reading my other entries). She reacted on it, saying that not all women are grouchy when they have their periods. Her boyfriend, she said, can attest to that (Well, I will ask her 'baby' when I get the chance to meet him in person). She even told me that she's more grumpy even when it's not yet her monthly visit.

So, I retorted to her, can I safely say that all women are grumpy, periods or no periods (hence, this blog)? I don't want to be accused of being sexist but I think women are a lot grumpier than men. And I wonder why?

Instead of making all the guesses as to the real reason, I want this blog to be an avenue for my women readers to tell me if my opinion is right or right. Will I be deluged with so many violent reactions? Let's see.


  1. yo man, hehehe! No deluge yet? women are grumpy and men are grouchy and sometimes periods and commas aside, we just can't help it. It's kinda fun being dark sometimes and not always being sunny or happy and gay. Have fun! by the way, may nangyari na bang reunion sa A. Luna that u've heard about? I mean we're at that age where we get to speak to graduating class and even the teachers are younger than ass, err, us! hehehe!

  2. hey, what a pleasant surprise! no deluge yet, maybe because they knew i was right after all. kidding aside, you're right, we all have our periods of grouchiness and that's what makes life more exciting and fun like you said. Well, wala pang reunion akng nabaltaan sa ALES. I'm planning one for our batch or just our section kasi I don't have connection with the others. I had the opportunity to speak to the graduating class of 2004. As expected, most of our teachers then had already retired or gone to heaven. 3 na lang yata ang natira. btw, will forward ma'am factora's e-addy to you. she's now in the states, she left just last month and we were textmates when she was still here. sobrang haba na nito. thanks for the comment again.


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