Monday, November 23, 2009

Preparations for Death

No, I'm not dying. Not yet. But who knows? I may only have five more minutes, five more hours, five more days, five more weeks, five more months, five more years, or five more decades. We can never tell. One thing is certain though: sinners or saints, we all die. As to when, nobody knows. Only He who has given us life knows when He will take it back.

Since death comes like a thief in the night, it would be wise to prepare for it. We all know that we are just boarders here on earth and no matter the advances in science and technology, man cannot and will never conquer death. Only He has the power to do it.

Lately, I have been blogging about conversion, repentance, holiness, and salvation. I don't know why. Maybe because I have reached the midlife and I am already having a midlife crisis. But midlifing has not something to do with being spiritual. Or maybe I am wrong. Maybe my midlife crisis has something to do with the state of my spiritual life after all.

Looking back, my spiritual life has not that been solid. I may be a practising Catholic but had God taken back my life weeks before I turned 40, I would have been in purgatory now, or worse in hell.  But that's not where God wants me to be. He wants me to be with Him in heaven so He Himself called me back to the right path through the sacrament of confession.

I have long wanted to make a good confession but Satan has his way of deceiving me that I always forego it. But God's love is far greater and more powerful than the devil's snare so in God's perfect time, I was able to go to confession a week before my 40th birthday. I know that Satan will call all his dominions to help him win me back again. But I am very much resolved this time: I shall not let the devil touch me again. And God is sending me his host of angels to protect me from the evil power. He is also showing me the way how to have a strong spirituality.

One way of strengthening my soul against Satan's attacks is by reading the Holy Bible daily. I draw my strength from it as well as from praying the Holy Rosary. Whenever impure thoughts would enter my mind, I drive it away by praying intensely to God and true enough, the devil's attempts would not succeed.

My motto now is to treat each day as if it were my last so that I would be driven to do only things that please God. I know it is a tough battle but with God on my side, I need not worry. Satan should be the one to worry because I have already turned my back on him and I don't have any plans of reuniting with him.

I am now preparing for my death and I pray to God to make me His faithful servant until the day I die. I may stumble along the way but I know God's help is ever present to bring me back on my feet. I shall continue preparing for my death so that anytime the Lord calls me, I may go straight to Him without any stopover in purgatory.

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