Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Stronger Sex

A former student of mine wrote on her wall at Facebook: "I also like you, but you will leave again. What's the point?" One could sense the mutual feeling of love she and her present beau have for each other. Although she is one of my closest former students, I don't really ask her about personal matters, especially with regards to her heart's condition.

One thing I know, she has experienced a lot of heartaches when it comes to having a relationship with the opposite sex. She had even tried ending her life when her relationship with the man she wanted to marry went naught. But God has better plans for her that she was given a new lease on life. That's why I understand her for holding back her feelings to whoever is the apple of her eyes at present.

When it comes to failed relationships, women are the weaker sex. Right? Wrong! A foreign study showed that divorced and separated men were two and half times more likely to commit suicide than men with intact marriages. Although I have not come across yet with the same study focusing on Filipino men, I would like to believe that the findings of that study are universal. Just read the papers and you will notice that local suicide stories often involve men and the usual reason is about being broken hearted.

The only country I know where more women commit suicides than men is China, according to Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center. But then, no specific mention of the stressors to Chinense women was given. I bet, when it comes to being broken hearted, Chinese men are also the weaker sex.

What do you think: Are men really the weaker sex when it comes to getting over a failed relationship?

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