Monday, March 15, 2010

My Google AdSense Earnings

I got very excited the other day because I received a postcard from Google AdSense Support sent via snail mail. When I opened it, it contained the Personal Identification Number (PIN) I needed to become eligible to receive payments for my  AdSense account. Since I have not been checking on the Monetize portion of my blog, I did not realize that I have almost reached the payment threshold to qualify for a payment. Encoding my PIN does not automatically translate to immediate monetization. I still have to reach the required monthly balance of US$100 before Google AdSense Support process my payment. The PIN I received was only for verification only of the contact information I gave them and to ensure that I receive my payments.

The question in  my mind now is when will I get paid? Here's how, according to Google's AdSense Support site:

"In the AdSense program, you'll be paid when your earnings reach the payment threshold, as long as there are no holds on your account, and you're in compliance with our policies.

However, we don't send you a check or bank transfer at the exact moment the zeroes roll over. First, we have to validate your earnings for accuracy -- a process that takes place the first week of every month on the previous month's earnings. Then, we send payments a couple weeks later, usually during the last week of the month.

So if your earnings reach the payment threshold in February, we'll send you a payment before the end of March.

If your account balance hasn't reached the payment threshold at the end of the month, we'll roll your earnings over to the following month, until the payment threshold is reached. Balances include your total combined earnings for all AdSense products."

I still have a long way to go before I reach the required monthly balance before I get paid but I am positive I'll get there in due time. For now, I shall be updating my posts as regular as I can so that my captured readers will continually follow me and new ones will be faithfully reading my entries.

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