I'm not offering the public any business or investment scheme that doubles their money after a certain period. This one is purely familial in nature.
You see, starting this schoolyear, I have started giving a weekly allowance to my first two children. Truth is, they don't really need to have a weekly allowance as they have their baon for their lunch or snack in school. But then, there are times that they have to buy something or contribute money for some class activities and they cannot give right away because they don't have money in their pocket, so I thought of giving them their allowance. Well, I used to give them but on a daily basis and although I told them not to spend everything of it, they still did not have the financial discipline that would force them to save.
This time, to motivate them to spend their allowance wisely and save some of it, I told them that I will double whatever savings they will have on Christmas Eve. Little savings means little reward. Big savings, big rewards. No savings, no reward. That's how simple it is.
Let us see if money is really a motivator as posited by some experts in human psychology. I shall inform you on what will happen on Christmas Eve. Stay tuned!
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