Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Power of Tithing

I have a confession to make: I used to give a measly P20.00 for my offering to God. Yes, I was that stingy when it comes to giving back to God, the source of all blessings. Why was I that scant in giving to God? It's because I was not a believer of tithing then. I used to think that it was an Old Testament practice and our Church does not impose it on us. Besides, I see other churchgoers giving the same amount or even less. Also, my thinking then was that If I would give 10% of my income for my offering, how much more will be left for our family's expenses?

That was one of the biggest mistakes I had ever made. I have realized the reason why I was not financially abundant was that I was not emptying out myself so I could receive more of God's blessings. My reasoning was that how could I give when I was in lack? Now I know that I was in lack because I was not giving what God deserves.

I only came to realize the importance of tithing when I started reading and digesting Bo Sanchez's books. How come we need to give a tenth of our income to God when He does not need it anyway because He is the source of everything? Precisely, God does not need anything from us but our tithing is a declaration of God's importance in our lives. It shows that He is our top priority. Before we even think of paying our bills, we should set aside the 10% of our income for God and we will  realize that we will still have more for our other needs.Indeed, tithing ensures that all our needs are met and we still have more in excess.

Tithing is also a manifestation of our faith to God. If we give what is due Him, we are saying to God that we are entrusting everything to Him. Yes, our 10% is equivalent to 100% in the eyes of God. It is also a way of worshiping God for His faithfulness in giving us everything we need. Worshiping God with our money that also comes from Him indicates that we acknowledge Him as the source of all things, the owner and giver of everything.

Lastly, tithing helps us combat selfishness, greed, and materialism. If we give, we learn to think of and care for others. Giving back to God is supporting His ministry here on earth. It means that we are showing our support for God's work through the ministry He has established. When we give back to God, we are in a way helping those who are in need of God's presence and preachings. We become less self-centered and in turn become Christ-centered.

Now, as I try to help others attain financial freedom, I also try to impart to them  the power of tithing. And as you read this blog, I pray that you too learn how to tithe so that you may receive more of God's blessings. If you are already practicing it, try also to share with others the benefits of doing it by encouraging them to do it also.

I pray that God will continually bless us all that we may also continually be a blessing to others. Try tithing. It works.


  1. thanks for the comment. there is an icon on the left side below where you can subscribe to get notified when this site updates. just click on it and subscribe. thanks again.

  2. great topic sir :D
    giving your tithes and offering is a manifestation that truly you have MORE than enough because our God provides us everything.

  3. sorry, i rearranged the layout so the 'add this site' icon is now on the right side.

  4. yes, raquel! that's very true. always give with a joyful heart! god bless!


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